![](https://www.theb1m.com/assets/images/ESB-B1M-Buildots-54321.jpg?updated=1676305398077) > Great shot. Built in 1 year and 45 days — why can't we build as fast as this today? **Construction began before the design was even completed**. ([B1M](https://www.theb1m.com/article/empire-state-building-construction#:~:text=The%20steel%20frame%20was%20erected,superstructure%20in%20just%2010%20days.)) The steel frame was built in a carefully coordinated effort that avoided any downtime. "At one point contractors added stories to the superstructure in just 10 days." 14 people lost their lives in the construction of the building, unreported numbers are thought to be much higher. ![](https://youtu.be/OW5hNNetUwk) This is a strong argument for [[speed is all you need]].