**A very rushed YouTube comment:**
>Hey y'all... so we made a movie. Sorry for the radio silence there!
>A few years ago I started working at Astranis, a geostationary satellite "new space" company (you can and should look them up on YouTube) and when I started working there I had no clue what "new space" was — this is the film I wish existed back then. In short, "New Space" is the aerospace industry term used to refer to the wave of new companies that started cropping up in the early 2000s. These companies, primarily SpaceX, caused a revolution of on orbit activity. But how and why did it happen? And more interestingly to me... what's next? What does rapid reusability, the new satellite ecosystem, and heavy launch mean for the future of humans amongst the stars? Also, why do we even want to go to space at all?
>This film attempts to answer these questions and highlight topics I often see missed in storytelling about space today.
>You may also see "Story Company" in this trailer... Well, that's the other thing I'm excited to share this Friday — it's the company I've wanted to build since I was a little kid, and I've been working on it in secret for the past 6 months. I can't wait to share it and this film with y'all!
>We put a ton of work into this (and other films to come) but making movies doesn't really fit well into the YouTube algorithm... so each comment, like, and share means the world to us and will enable us to make more films like this in the future. Anyways, I'll share more later this week but THANK YOU for supporting us this far — we can't wait to share what we've been working on with you in a few days :)
This is the film I wish someone handed me when I joined [Astranis](https://www.astranis.com/) in 2023 with no background in aerospace — a general primer into the incredibly diverse and bubbling field of "new space."
### Books & Essays
The Case for Space by Robert Zubrin
Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance
Space Barrons by Christian Davenport
Reentry by Eric Berger
Liftoff by Eric Berger
Doing The Impossible by Arthur L. Slotkin
[The Space Economy](https://www.notboring.co/p/the-space-economy) by Not Boring

### Things I hope people takeaway from this movie
1. SpaceX has singlehandedly caused a renaissance of opportunity on orbit
2. Lowering the $/kg to orbit is the name of the game
3. We happen to be alive at a time where (a) space is accessible (b) there's a lot of ability to get to space
4. Heavy launch (Starship, New Glenn) will make the initial New Space boom look like a pre-show
5. A Cislunar and Mars economy seems likely to emerge
6. What if we looked at Mars through the lens of wanting to stay there instead of visit?
7. There's a lot of work to be done on the bio-side of space, on-orbit servicing, in-space logistics... the infrastructure now needs to emerge
8. Space is hard