Why I Write
Oct 23, 2024
Why I Write (Publicly)
A few months ago I had a stark realization: my mental model of the world had evolved very little since I wrote and published my white paper on doing S3.
Despite that, I have learned a ton! More than I ever have in a 1.5 year period (how long I've been doing S3) but my views and ideas of the world had evolved very little. Why?
I came to an odd realization, which has already been presented in this essay: "my mental model of the world had evolved very little since I wrote and published my white paper on doing S3."
A few days prior I came across this tweet from Naval, "If you want to remember something, tweet it."
If I truly believe something, I should have no problem publishing it [in a free society, like America, of course].
This little "hack" I've discovered for myself is decidedly caveman-ish. "I think thought, if thought true, I no fear say thought to world." But, I don't really care. Time is a limited resource, and this seems to be a very effective technique in honing my thinking and beliefs.
So, this is the main purpose of my website. To think and write, to publish, to seek truth —veritas quaerere.