You killed good movies

Nov 3, 2024

In this video essay critiquing Wesley Wang's everything except nothing, part 4 talks gets at something I've felt since I was a kind wanting to make movies: "big movies" or "Hollywood" movies suck. I want to be very clear: I didn't love Wesley's film, but damn was I inspired by it and him and am fucking happy it's getting the flowers it deserves. I think the arguments made in this video essay are mostly good, but (1) Wesley is 20 and this is beyond amazing for that age and (2) I am just as sick of annoying video essayists who don't actually make anything good sit here and complain about there's nothing good anymore. GO AND MAKE A GOOD MOVIE THEN. I want both the Wesley's and West Films Cos of the world to make it. The essayists makes the argument that "Wang is a bad filmmaker," which is absolutely, undoubtedly HORRIBLY WRONG lol.

The bigger problem: You, society, the far left and the far right — have ruined movies by demanding the agree and align with your political views. That's stupid. Now, only art films (which I mostly hate) can say original or challenging things.

Palmer Luckey Avatar thing

There's a good point in the essay.

Hot take too, most A24 movies aren't actually saying anything either… Most A24 films are like big-budget slop are for midwits the way that art films are for art hoes and their associated flock of hyper-liberal men.